COMFortable with being uncomfortable
When we become comfortable with being uncomfortable, we are vulnerable and open to change. And change is what we’re trying to accomplish.
Understanding that if we keep doing the same things, thinking the same thoughts, we won’t get to a new place. Like the ever-famous quote by Einstein “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results”. Yes, we say never give up, failing just means we try again; however we have to change something in that new effort so that we get a different result.
When we go out of our comfort zone, that’s where the magic happens. Growing is often uncomfortable, I find that embracing that discomfort can be motivating. Which is to say, change your perspective on the meaning you’re giving to being uncomfortable.
So once you realize that a feeling of discomfort will bring growth and change, you welcome it. (Instead of the often misconception that there is a problem).
So, how does one get comfortable with being uncomfortable? Challenge yourself, by taking a risk & doing something uncomfortable. Even if there isn’t a direct result, the action of doing the uncomfortable thing will help build this skill. Focusing on being mindful and intentional with this feeling. Embodying it and welcoming all that comes up. With self kindness.
Try something new. A new food or activity. Go out with yourself or with a friend and try something new! Take a chance in an experience or social setting. Depending on your norm, take 1 step more. If it’s talking to that stranger sitting next to you, or across the room. Or if it’s offering help where you may not know exactly how. Even if you’re unsure, do the thing!
Say yes! Learn to say yes to invites, experiences or activities you’d normally say no to (Or use a lot of excuses for).
Be different! Accept who you are and your differences. Don’t try to blend in with the crowd. Stand out! Embrace your unique self! Get curious, ask questions. Talk about different topics with different people. Hear others’ opinions and perspectives, and it’s ok to have your own.
Change up something in your daily routine. Add 1 more thing or change the order. Instead of aimlessly walking from the bed to the coffee pot, try to get outside and walk barefooted on the ground. (It’s also very grounding which is great for you) or if you normally pickup your phone and scroll first thing in the morning, shift to meditate or simply do deep breathing with affirmations every morning, or do a quick walk around the block before getting into your car for work.
Make a list of 5 activities you’d like to do that make you uncomfortable. Make a promise to yourself to slowly (or quickly!) go through your list & complete these!
Once you become comfortable with being uncomfortable life is an adventure that you are in control of. I encourage you to add a little adventure to each day. You might just see some big transformations.