Processing Page
The processing page is used to take all the thoughts in your head and put them onto paper. This can be done as a morning routine or during the day. Adding this to your daily morning routine would be most beneficial (another mindset moment on morning routine will come soon); however, anytime you notice yourself getting stressed out, take 15-20 minutes to write it out & process what’s going on.
Sit down in a quiet space or in your free time and take a second to think. Close your eyes. Inhale and Exhale. Ask yourself, what am I worried about?
Think & Reflect
Now, write it all out in your notebook. The process of writing it by hand will help you take what's spinning around in your head and release it onto paper, aiming for 1 full page. That way you don’t carry it around as you go on about your day. This alone is proven to eliminate stress that comes with holding everything inside.
Write It Down
Take some time to reflect. Is it true? What can I do to change this? What can I let go of? Think about what makes you stressed. Can you control it? Not with judgement, but with acknowledgment of what you can let go of and if there are any changes you can make or apply. Either to certain situations, or your perspective!
One you have processed this, take a moment to be grateful. Inhale, exhale & breathe deeply while thinking of 5-10 things you are grateful for. Jot these down and have a mindful moment of gratitude.
Tip: Researchers found that journaling decreases the symptoms of asthma, arthritis, and other health conditions. It improves your immune response and cognitive functioning. It also counteracts many of the negative effects of stress. Adding in a moment of gratitude helps with shifting your mindset over time. It is proven that people that journal in gratitude experience more positive moods and optimism about the future. As well as better sleep, self-esteem & overall mental health, and well-being.